All data is encrypted. Your credit card and purchase data goes directly to the payment processor and is never kept on our servers. This includes subscriptions. We never keep financial information on our servers. It goes directly to the highly secure bank processor of your choice: Amazon, PayPal, or Shopify. Your name, address, and phone number are confidential and secure.
Your order will typically ship within 24-48 Business hours.
A Subscription will save you money if you plan on purchasing our coffee on a regular basis. On subscription orders you will save 10%. We also offer free shipping on orders over $50 so if your subscription is over $50 per order you will save on shipping costs too. This is different then a Subscription Box.
The Subscription Box is a fixed number of items and a fixed interval (every month). This is our best pricing. You can change your items once a month if you wish but the interval and number of items cannot be changed. You can cancel at any time.
We have made it super easy for you to log in and change the duration, pause your subscription, or even cancel simply by logging in to your account and changing it. You won't have to call or email in order to make changes to, pause, cancel, or change the frequency of your subscription.
For the "Subscription Box" you are able to change the items but not the frequency or interval. You may cancel at any time. You can do this all by logging in to your account.
Totally hassle free!
Feel free to email us at help@CoffeeCommitment or call us at (844) COFFEE-5 or(844) 263-3335
We give primarily to A21 and to some smaller organizations that operate in areas that A21 does not.
We give 25% of proceeds to these organizations.